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Notes & Journals HOME | GALLERY | FEATURES | QUEST | DOCS/FAQ | PERSONAL NOTES | OTHER MODS | DOWNLOAD Below you will find all the notes and journal entries I put in the game. I had originally intended to make much more of the relationship between Pavel & Dukov, but in the end I decided to just leave it as it was. It is mentioned, but not really a central theme of the plot.
"I Hope I'm Not Too Late..." (Note left for James at Vault 101) "You Made It!" (Note left for James at suite) "Orders to leave" (Personal Journal log) "After The Scourge" (Personal Journal log) "Dukov left" (Personal Journal log) "Helping an old friend" (Personal Journal log) "The Perfect Place" (Personal Journal log) "Making Great Progress!" (Personal Journal log) "Finally Moved In" (Personal Journal log) BROTHERHOOD OF STEEL - CHEKOV FAMILY RECORDS Personal Family History by Pavel Chekov
"I Hope I'm Not Too Late..." (Note left for James at Vault 101) James, what in God's name are you up to? Wait, knowing you as well as I do, I probably don't want to know the answer to that question! For that matter, how the hell were you even able to get a message to me from inside that Vault in the first place? I probably don't want to know the answer to that question either, but I'm glad that we both still have a friend or two inside The Citadel, that's for sure. Whatever you're up to, for you to try and leave that Vault - and your SON behind - I know it's got to be big, and I know that you'll need my help. I'm sorry, I only got word of your plan three days ago, so I have not really had much time to put anything together for you from up here. I know you didn't know this, but I have been spending much of my time in The Commonwealth of late, and it just takes me too long to get back home for me to be able to personally assist you. By the time I get there I fear you would be long gone wherever you're going. Even with all the resources at my disposal it took nearly two weeks for your message to get to me, so I have done the best that I could with the short amount of time I had. Some things still have to get to me the old fashioned way - by foot. I just pray that what little help I can provide doesn't get to you too late. That being said, all I can offer you from here is my home and the supplies you will find there. Since leaving the Brotherhood, the place has served me well, and whatever you're up to I hope it serves you well also. I won't go into it now, but much has changed over the years my old friend. I will do my best to leave more information on what has been happening at the house. Check my personal terminal for the details. If I am successful, you should be able to access some of my old Journals in there. Also, I will do my best to send another note for you with a little more information about the house. Check the big counter in the Great Room, but leave the tapes on the shelves alone. They have been erased and there is nothing in them. This tape also should also download the location to the suite on to your Pipboy map. Look down towards the southwest corner and you should see it. But be warned, it won't be easy getting there. You must be careful along the way and to be honest with you, it may be difficult just getting past the guards. In my absence, I've heard of some recent squabbles the residents have been having with a group Ghouls who want to rent some of Tenpenny's rooms, and I've also heard he has the place on lock down. If that is the case they probably wont be too friendly to a stranger in a Vault suit, but if I know you, you'll figure out a way to get in. I'm glad my associates and I convinced Tenpenny to just sell us the place outright those many years ago. Tenpenny and I have sort of an "understanding" if you will. When I bought the place, it was the safest place I could find to serve my purposes, and it will be safe for you as well. Godspeed old friend, with a bit of luck you will hear more from me soon! Pavel
"You Made It!" (Note left for James at suite) Well, old friend, it looks like you made it! Nice place, huh? It took nearly 2 years to clean and rebuild this place, and even longer to get her in shape to house my crew. I have used this place as my base of operations in The Capital Wasteland ever since getting her fixed up. My crew members are all on leave right now so you'll have the place to yourself. But it can easily accommodate more people should you need them for whatever you're up to. Use anything in the house as you see fit. Most of my valued treasures are all in storage, so please utilize the display area if you like. I've left a few things around the place to make you feel cozy and at home, and you should treat my house as your house. I won't go into everything right now, but as you probably have realized, I left the Brotherhood several years ago. You can read more in my personal logs in the armory terminal, but to sum it up, many things have changed since you went into that Vault. Despite Paladin Cross' incessant ramblings of praise concerning him, I became frustrated with the direction that Elder Lyons was taking the Brotherhood. Not in the way the so called "Outcasts" disagreed with Lyons, because I understood the reasons he made certain "decisions". Moreover, I understood his logic in making them, after all, I was THERE! But I became more and more dissatisfied with the lack of progress we were making against the enemy. As Lyons himself admitted, we had been fighting the Super Mutants for years and didn't know a god damn thing about them. I felt like I was spinning my wheels and getting no where in a hurry. All the while, the clock was ticking on me because none of us are getting any younger are we old friend? I'll tell you, my bones creak a little louder these days, and some of my old scars (and even a couple of new ones!) ache just a little more here lately. I knew my "adventuring" days were almost over, and I still wanted to make a difference in this world. If I know you like I believe I do, we must have been feeling a lot of the same feelings here recently. Does that mean it's true what they say about "great minds thinking alike"? It's a little unnerving isn't it? It seems that we are more alike than we knew old friend Anyway, after an accidental meeting with someone from The Commonwealth, I decided the best way for me continue to try and make a difference would be found on another path than the Brotherhood, so I resigned. I'm sorry, I cannot disclose any more of the details of our work right now, but I simply cannot. It would make things more dangerous for you. I'm sure you "understand"? I simply can't believe you actually left that Vault! My God man, what about your son? Did you ever stop and think about what The Overseer might do to him when you left? Whatever your reason for leaving I know you did what you felt was the best - and the RIGHT thing to do. And I'm certain that you would NOT have left your son if you didn't believe he would be safe, so I know you don't need a lecture from me about it. I'm also sure you have your reasons. How'd the kid turn out? Even as Cross and I escorted you to that Vault, I knew he would be OK in there with you. It was easy to see how much you loved him, and with Catherine gone you did what you had to do. Catherine I still miss her, you know? Ha, ha, what would she be saying to you right now James? I'm sure she would wonder if you've gone completely mad! Perhaps we all have One last thing old friend. Along with these tapes and journals, I have sent Anna to you. She takes care of the place while I'm away. She keeps everything in good working order, can fix meals for you, will sell you a few odds & ends, and can even fix your gear when in need of repairs. She may also have a little booze for you if you need a good snort! And James, get this: SHE'S AN ANDRIOD!!! Can you believe it! This Commonwealth tech is AMAZING! She is a much earlier model from what they are working on now though, and was scheduled for deactivation when I got her. But they say these new ones are even becoming self aware! Isn't that incredible? Between my artifact collection and all the tech I have available here, I guess I've realized that I got the love for this kind of stuff from dear old dad after all. I reckon the apple didn't fall as far away from the tree as I once thought it did, eh? Ha, ha, ha.! James, you saved my life once and now it's time for me to repay in kind. You will find an assortment of weapons, ammo and medical supplies in the Armory that Anna has maintained for me. Just check through the storage containers for whatever you can use. The sorters will also help keep your gear organized. As I mentioned, you will also find a few of my personal journals if you get a moment or two and want to do some catching up. I wish I could be there with you, but unfortunately that is not possible even in the near future. We all have our jobs to do I guess. Again, old friend, Godspeed. I pray this is enough to help you. Good luck, Pavel
"Orders to leave" (Personal Journal log) 10 Feb 2254 - Dad has been pestering me to start a journal, so I guess it's about time I heeded his wishes. My name is Senior Knight Pavel Andreievich Chekov, son of Junior Knight Commander Andrei Dimitreievich Chekov and I am the elder brother of Initiate Dukov Dimitreievich Chekov. We are stationed at the Lost Hills complex in what was once called "Southern California". We have just received orders from our Elders that we are to travel east to a city that was once called Washington DC, but is now known only as the "DC Ruins" or some "Capital Wasteland". Being the center of it all back then, it seems this place took a lot of big hits in the War. Makes sense. They say it's pretty much a hell hole now, but somebody thinks we might find something useful in there, while THEY conveniently get to stay here. (The more things change, the more they stay the same.) Anyway, sounds like a nice place dont it? Story has it that this city was once the home of the US Government before The Great War. Our mission is not only to search for technology, but to conduct reconnaissance on the rumored growing threat of Super Mutant activity in the area, and report our findings back to Lost Hills. Along the way, we are to make contact with the rogue Midwestern Branch of the Brotherhood, but with no communication from them in months, that objective may prove to be futile. They're probably all dead anyway. The knuckle draggers are with Paladin Ismael Ashur, we Knights are still with Knight Commander Tristan and Scribe Rothchild is back over the eggheads. We are all under the command of newly promoted Senior Paladin Owyn Lyons. (Who the hell did HE piss off to get THAT gig?) Dad got bumped too and finally made Commander, and of course I draw his squad. No surprise there! God only knows what kind of trouble that man is going to get me into on this trip. I'm thrilled! Dukov, on the other hand, actually seems EXCITED to be going. He mumbled something about being stuck in here, and finally finding out what else is out there or something. The boy has always had a little too much rebel in him for me, though. He said he just wants to make his own way instead of following in Dad's footsteps. I wonder what Mother would say about that? If she were still alive I bet we wouldn't be going to the other side of the damn country either. Orders to go to The Pitt 21 Nov 2255 - All but one of my Journal tapes has been confiscated by the god damn eggheads, so I have to make this entry the old fashioned way. I know we're out of everything, but taking my personal tapes for their use is above and beyond in my book. I will just have to try and write down the important things as soon as I can. The rest of my record of this debacle to the east coast will have to wait. Sometimes I think that Rothchild is an idiot, the other times I KNOW he is. We are camped a little outside an old city they call The Pitt. So far, we have only encountered light resistance from a few scattered pockets of Raiders and Slavers, but Recon has it that this city is just crawling with them. Ashur is preparing his men for an assault on an old steel mill tonight so we can go in and see if we can find anything useful. The only sure thing is that it's going to be hot. Lyons believes he can get one of these old smelters operational, but we ain't buying it. It would simply take too much manpower to run an operation like that. I've got a BAD feeling about this, but dad says he may be able to download any data he might find and put it to use later, so it's off we go. Why this can't wait until after we reached Washington DC, and we are rested and re-supplied I'll never know, but I don't make the rules, I just follow them. Dukie is lucky he didn't make Knight yet because there will be no Initiates on this one. We head in tonight...
"After The Scourge" (Personal Journal log) 6 JAN 2256 - I guess being ALMOST dead and coming back to tell anyone about it does things to a man - changes him somehow. I mean, I always thought it would happen to the "other" guy, not to me. Fact was, I killed them, not the other way around. And to think I almost bought it at the hands of those fucking Raiders is disgraceful to me. Had it not been for James and Catherine... I really don't remember much about that night. I remember Ashur going off on one of his glorious speeches, rambling on about what we were about to do will be remembered for decades to come, and about being glorious warriors and all. Those knuckle draggers crack me up still. We were a mix of Knights and Paladins with dad heading up our squad. Predictably, we encountered heavy resistance around the old steel foundry. No one knows for sure what went wrong, but somehow, a blast furnace ruptured and exploded, burying father and Ashur in a massive rubble pile. There was no way to get them out and we were under heavy fire and about to be over run by Raiders so the next in command gave the order to fall back and regroup. I tried feverishly to get to my father, insisting I would NOT leave him and Ashur there to die. I would have died right there with them if it were up to me. After I dont even really remember the second explosion, but they said I did not regain consciousness again for nearly six weeks. "Doc", or James as I have grown fond of calling him said that I might be the only person alive who had the feeling of passing time while in a coma. Most people, he says, simply have no recollection of time elapsing - they are just asleep. But I know I have certain "memories" of things that I did while I was unconscious. Bah, they're probably all bullshit hallucinations from the blow to the noggin I took. It's a good thing I had on my Power Helmet because it saved me from a chunk of steel the size of a baseball. James tells me I had a massive crack in my skull, severe brain swelling and had lost of quite a lot of blood by the time the Brotherhood brought me to him. I've been told by a couple of his nurses that he told them only a few more hours longer and he says I probably would have died. But to my face he tries to be modest and tells me he other than relieving the pressure in my head and giving me a little blood, there is very little he did to help me at all. Yeah, like the Brotherhood surgeons could perform brain surgery on me between The Pitt and here! We had no advanced medical equipment at all when we arrived here. Nope, I'm still here because of ONE man and his wife Catherine. That man is James. Several months have passed since I actually woke up, and I'm finally starting to get almost all of my memories back. My brother has helped some, and so have others around here. I have tried to put all the pieces together for this journal as truthfully as I could under the circumstances. If there is one thing good to come out of all of this, it is the great friend I seemed to have made in James. I owe him my very life. As for my brother and I we are both trying to adjust to our lives without either of our parents. We lost our mother when Dukov was born, and as much as he knows it was not his fault, I believe my brother still holds a tremendous amount of guilt inside concerning her death. And now that dad is gone too, he seems to become more and more distant and withdrawn. I know he is drinking way too much, and I even have my suspicions that he has begun abusing some of the local flavor of Jet. He does his best to hide it, but I know he is using it. All of the symptoms are there, mood swings, erratic and unpredictable behavior, various obsessions and compulsions and even mild hallucinations. I'm really starting to worry about him because I'm all he's got left in this world. Perhaps James can give me some advice on how to help him through this little rough spot.
"Dukov left" (Personal Journal log) 21 JUNE 2257 - My brother has finally done it: He has left the Brotherhood of Steel. I knew he was awfully troubled and I knew he was abusing the booze and even drugs sometimes, and I guess if I was honest I knew this day would come. He didn't say goodbye to me, he just went and talked to the Elders and left without saying a word. I guess he hasn't been able to forgive me for trying to "get into his business" as he called it, when I tried to get him help with his substance abuse problem. Maybe some day he will realize I love him and was only trying to help. I tried to get any information that I could from his friends, and I think I may have at least pieced together a general idea what he is up to. Like many here, he said has become more and more frustrated with the Brotherhood. Not that he ever really felt like he belonged here in the first place though. He always felt like there was somewhere else he needed to be. Another life he needed to live. I believe Dukov felt trapped. We both were born into the Brotherhood and this life, these people are all either of us has ever known. He did a lot of growing up during the trip from California to here, and I finally began to see him growing into a man. I honestly feel that Dukov wanted to make his own way - find his own path, and that he needed to get out from under the protective influence of the Brotherhood to find that path. I also believe he has buried away a tremendous amount of pain and anger with the loss of our parents. There's just so much death and destruction in this world that no one ever really grieves their losses. They just quote meaningless platitudes such as "he died well" and "they will be remembered with honor". "It's all fucking bullshit," he used to say. And much of the time he was right. Anyway,
I got wind of a rumor a while back from out in the Wastes. Seems there's
this rich guy named Tenpenny who thinks he knows where a bunch of
lost tech is stored in a bunker way underground. And he is even said
to have the keys to get into the place! He was looking for mercs to
plan and carry out the mission - and be paid handsomely too I might
add. The rumor was stirring up quite a buzz a couple of months ago,
and now that I mention it, Dukov really started to withdraw heavily
around that time. He has become more and more violent and angry towards
others. You might even say he has become somewhat brutal while on
patrol. He told at least someone he was "practicing" for
something big coming up real soon. Now I believe I know what it is.
As much as it hurts me to see him self destruct like he is, he is
still my little brother and I don't want anything to happen to him.
I pray for his safety and recovery.
"Helping an old friend" (Personal Journal log) 02 Aug, 2258 I've been really worried about James lately. I can only imagine what he has been going through since the loss of Catherine stunned us all. So beautiful and full of life, she was his inspiration. And although he wouldn't admit it if his life depended on it, she had become his motivation as well. We all loved her very deeply and most of us have not even begun to realize how we will miss her in the days ahead. But flying off the deep end, abandoning the project she dedicated her life to and going down into a fucking hole in the ground for the rest of their lives is not my idea of what she would have wanted for the two of them. But James insists that this one Vault - Vault 101 - is safe. (I guess he has never heard the stories I heard about some of the "experiments" that took place in some of those tombs.) He said he has reliable information that they have had select contact with the outside world, and he also says he has it on good authority that they are in desperate need of a Doctor. He believes he can convince them to let he and his baby into the Vault. But despite my objections, he has been steadfast in his certainty that he is doing what he feels is best and right for his son. Who am I to argue with my good friend about that? At least he has agreed to allow us to escort him to Megaton. It is close enough to the Vault and is out of harms way for the most part, so they should be safe there until they actually climb down into that hole. He has not given me an exact date yet, but I feel like we will be leaving sooner rather than later, perhaps as early as just a couple of weeks from now.
MARCH 2269 Dear
Elders, Senior Knight Pavel A. Chekov
"The Perfect Place" (Personal Journal log) 10
JULY 2267 I sent this via the secure link as soon as I heard. Is it true? If so, I think I have found the PERFECT place! I believe it is tall enough for our comm system to reach the nearest uplink. I may have to modulate the frequency to have enough bandwidth boost, but I believe it's possible to stay online with you from there. If so, what are the plans for the funds? Is everything in place as we discussed? I will wait for your response before I move forward, but I think we might actually have a shot at making this happen! So much for my "retirement" huh? PAC
"Making Great Progress!" (Personal Journal log) 12
DEC 2271 I'm sure you know by now that the comm array is finished and seems to be holding up fairly well considering the circumstances. It should remain stable enough to send me the next packet at least. I still have to re-work a few calculations that I had in error. I just didn't expect to have the voltage drop that we are experiencing, so I have to figure out a way to run the power in parallel. Volts go down, amps go up, everything overheats - you know the drill, I know. I have finished the last part of the armory and crew quarters, and it should do the job nicely! Is the team about ready? Just let me know when the word is given and Anna and I will be ready for them. Is it true that you are working at a sub-molecular level already? That's INCREDIBLE! I'll be looking for the next packet this evening? PAC
"Finally Moved In" (Personal Journal log) 02 MAY 2269 - I finally got the place at least livable. Most of the "storage" in here was removed and sold for scrap to the scavengers. The rest we burned or even worse, buried. I think Tenpenny used this place for things I can't even imagine, and I've seen the unimaginable in my day. But despite the stench, radiation and Radroaches I can see the potential here for a very strategic command post and contact point for my new friends in The Commonwealth. If what they say is true, there will be a great need for this type of operations post very soon. The best thing is that it is so well concealed and hardly anyone knows it even exists and it is tall enough to establish a direct link to the comm array. Tenpenny didn't want the hassle of cleaning it up and renting it to me, the lazy bastard. So I got lucky when he accepted the generous offer my friends allowed me to propose to him. As far as anybody is concerned, I have retired from the Brotherhood and I am taking on a little fix-me-up project to retire in. At least that's what I told Lyons... Despite the shock of my seemingly sudden decision, he actually took it pretty well I felt. He just didn't know that I have been agonizing over my "retirement" for quite some time now. He also didn't know I had bought the old storage suite at the top of Tenpenny Tower either. In the end, I really couldn't disgrace the man. I wanted to tell him the truth for his own good, but I really didn't see the need to cause more grief upon a tired old man. I guess I still see much of my own father in him. They had been friends for many years before dad died, and I think Lyons never forgave himself for sending us into The Pitt when he did. Hell, they were almost the same age, came up through most of the Advanced Brotherhood Training, and had served together for many years. But, I believe I have found another strategy to defeat the enemy. The problem has to be addressed at its source, and I believe the people I have met from The Commonwealth have in their possession the technology to do just that. I don't really know much more about what they're working on than the basics, but the main thing is that I trust them, and more importantly, I believe in them. Obviously, I plan on helping them. It will still take a year or more to actually get the place rebuilt into an operations base capable of housing a team, but thanks to my new friends, I have access to the material, manpower and resources to make this happen. I actually feel alive again!
Family History
My father, Andrei Dimitrievich Chekov was born sometime in the year 2201 in a country they used to call Russia. He rarely spoke of his homeland, and on the rare occasions he did, he always reminded me that THIS was his home now. My mother, also hesitant to speak on such matters, simply never spoke of it. The Order and the precious search for technology was what mattered now, not the past. What I did know, was that when they both were in their mid 20's they fled the country. I know that they were both research scientists at secret facility somewhere, but I don't know who ran the place or what they were doing there. Something dreadful must have happened there though that forced them to leave. Dad did tell me once, when I asked him how he ended up here, that they wanted to come here because they discovered some old records from before The Great War that had pictures of the beautiful oceans and mountains of "California". He said the trip here was made easier by the fact that much of the Bering Sea is land now where it used to be ocean. Fate, it seems, has a sense of irony after all, as they were eventually arrested for trespassing on Brotherhood of Steel property. During their custody, my father overheard some Knights arguing over a mainframe malfunction they were having difficulty with, and assured them that he could solve their little problem. If he could fix it however, he would be allowed to speak directly with an elder. So, one of the Knights - a very young Owyn Lyons - agreed to the challenge. The two of them would often laugh uncontrollably telling that story, and depending on how much wine they had to drink, the version would change slightly. But they sure loved telling it. Father was able to convince the Elder that he was no threat, but in fact he and mother would prove themselves as valuable assets to the Order if they were given the opportunity. Lost Hills was in one of its biggest expansions to date back then so it was an easy decision for the Elder. Mother began working with a team of Scribes, and father began his Brotherhood training. I don't have much information from them to the time I was born, but it was evident in my childhood that my parents were well respected in the Order. I am very proud of that. I was born, and a few years later came my brother Dukov. Sadly, we lost mother in his birth. I think her passing hit dad the hardest. I was really too young to remember much about her but dad started to change after she died. He poured himself completely into his work and training. Dukie and I were raised true and blue BOS, although Dukov never "bought into" the whole Brotherhood mantra. Sure, we both attended the required classes and received combat training from before a Squire's age, but he just always seemed to be going through the motions. (But while he damn sure excelled in combat and tests of physical prowess, he just had the attention span of a ...data corrupt |